When your phone system fails, you may ask yourself, “What could I have done differently?”. Preventing a system failure is a little out of your control. Like we’ve said, catastrophic events are inevitable and not preventable, but this isn’t always the cause for a system failure. It would be nice if you could do something instead of waiting on the end. Good news! You actually have more control than you might think.
Before a system actually fails, there are often many symptoms to consider and acknowledging certain symptoms will become your system failure prevention plan. It’s good to note what fails and when it fails. This will make the technician’s diagnosis more effectiveness because you’ve done your due diligence and have documented all symptoms. When you call for help, you are allowing your business to be serviced faster.
So you might not be able to prevent the inevitable, but you have the opportunity to win before your problem arrives.
Our guide, Why phones fail: a guide to getting help faster, teaches you how to prevent a system failure. Download your free copy!
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