Phone systems aren’t typically considered to be a part of a larger network. As the user, you typically experience the front-end of the phone and not the back-end. When your phone goes down, it’s easy to think it’s the hardware, but your phone is a part of a network similar to a computer. This is obviously a technological headache for you and your team. But it’s good to note that not all system outages are caused by some catastrophic event. The process in identifying the root issue is pretty challenging because of the type of failures, the frequency and even the brand of phone you are using. Cisco phones may have a different diagnostic than a Polycom or Digium. You may not be known as Inspector Clouseau of the office, but it’s quite the investigation to really pinpoint the exact reason on why your phone system keeps failing. We’ve created a whitepaper to help you solve the mystery and find the ghost in the machine. Our guide, Why phones fail: a guide to getting help...