I WILL DO MY BEST. I will take pride in the quality of everything I do. I will ask myself, "Did I do my best work?" Everything I do has my signature, and I will make it excellent.
In the Movie Facing the Giants, the coach pushes Brock to do his best. It's easy to see in this short clip where Brock wanted to give up but pushed through the difficulty and gave it his all.
I know you do what it takes to make customers happy. But the real question is, did you do your best? I like to think of this as similar to putting icing on a cake. The present isn't quite the same without finishing the job. I could make a great sale but fail to hand it off and I wouldn't have done my best.
One of the greatest enemies to "doing your best" is "doing too much." In my personal experience, the number one thing that prevents me from doing my best is that I am trying to do too much at once. And many of the things I do may have little to no real impact in terms of being productive. We need to focus on what each of us can really be the best at and stop doing the things that are unproductive.
For each of us it's different, but the point is this: You should strive to do your work in such a way that if a sign reading "work done by you" was placed on it, you wouldn't be embarrassed. So do your best and encourage others to do the same.
Colossians 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men…"
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