The goal of today's office phone systems is far greater than just answering phone calls. Modern technology is aimed at consolidating processes, sharing data more efficiently, and building stronger teams. Even a few minutes saved on each phone call can quickly add up to drastic improvements in your turnaround and reductions in your labor costs.


One of the biggest assets of new office phone systems is their ability to handle a variety of information simultaneously from a single interface. In the past, call center employees have complained about working in several different windows at once, clicking through menu after menu to reach the information they need. Today's phone systems are more fluid and allow users to gather more data in less time, saving precious minutes on the phone with customers.


Another major change in modern phone systems is a greater ability to share information among team members and collaborate effectively. By having internal chat options available for immediate communication, and being able to share documents and account information between departments, it is possible to reduce downtime while trying to resolve problems. Spreadsheets and documents are no longer sitting in email inboxes unanswered while the customer gets transferred around on the phone. Instead, everyone is kept up to speed, and questions can be answered with a sense of urgency.


Perhaps the biggest change your employees will notice with new office phone systems is the ability to solve problems for customers better than ever before. With all of the latest online support tools at their fingertips, your employees can do a far better job of meeting the customer's expectations and giving them a really great experience. The result is that employees will feel more in control of their work environment, have a better ability to diffuse tense situations with frustrated customers, and deliver more work in less time. If you are looking for ways to improve productivity, the right phone system can make all the difference in the world.

No matter how many staff members you have on board, even saving one minute per call can add up to a substantial savings. Imagine having fifteen staff members taking twenty calls a day and allowing them to save one minute on each call by not having to fumble through loading screens and menus. At the end of the day, you would have saved a total of 300 minutes or five hours of labor to get the same amount of work done. If you integrate email and chat support with your phone system, that five hours of time can be applied to solving even more problems online. In other words, you could cut your response time on emails down to 24 hours or less in no time.

Office phone systems are an instrumental part of how your business operates. You may not realize how much time is currently wasted on inconveniences that were inherent in older systems. A quick survey of your employees will likely reveal that much of their time is spent waiting with the customer for access to vital information to process. Eliminating that downtime can have a tremendous impact on your daily productivity, especially when scaled to your entire workforce.


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