I WILL SUPPORT ONE TEAM. I will consider how my actions impact my teammates and check my ego at the door. We win and lose as a team, so I will support other's decisions even when I may disagree. I will step into another role or help a co-worker when that is what is required for success.


"One of the largest, strongest horses in the world is the Belgian draft horse.  Competitions are held to see which horse can pull the most and one Belgian can pull 8,000 pounds. The weird thing is if you put two Belgian horses in the harness who are strangers to each other, together they can pull 20,000 – 24,000 pounds. Two can pull not twice as much as one but three times as much as one. This example represents the power of synergy.  However, if the two horses are raised and trained together they learn to pull and think as one. The trained, and therefore unified, pair can pull 30,000 – 32,000 pounds, almost four times as much as a single horse." —from EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey

image credit: grendelkhan

We are just like these horses. When we work together as ONE, we can do so much more. In order to do this, we have to actively choose to put aside our egos—put aside the desire to be right or to say "I told you so"—and instead support each other.  We will not always agree with each other, but we can choose to support each other even when we disagree and all live with the results, whether that is failure or victory.

Consider two scenarios:
  • Someone makes a great decision, but the team bickers and complains and everyone veers off in different directions from each other.
  • Someone makes a poor decision, but the team pulls together and works in unison to accomplish the goal.
Which scenario do you think will be successful?  Making great decisions is important, of course, but even the best companies make a lot of poor decisions. What we do as a team with the decisions we make and how we support each other makes all the difference in us being successful or not. Please join me in choosing the team, and remember: we win and lose as a team!


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