With Millennials making up the largest cross-section of the working world these days, and many younger Millennials coming of age right now, expectations for technology and quality service have taken a big turn in recent years. Some companies have taken the time to survey the newest communication technologies for business purposes to determine what Millennials want most when it comes to communications. Now it's up to you to take advantage of this information and do your very best to keep your customers happy.


If there's one thing that really irritates the Millennial generation, it is having to wait on hold for customer service. Waiting on hold generally means not getting other things taken care of, and we are all too busy to be sitting around waiting for answers anyway. Instead, more than 40% of Millennials say they would rather text than wait on hold, and of the companies that currently use text for customer service, more than 80% of their texts are opened within 3 minutes of delivery. Even if it is only automated responses, such as account balances or simple directions, customers love having the option to get instant answers.


Since 2010, companies have also seen a drastic change in the way customers rely on live chat. Currently, 26% of all customer service is handled through web chat applications, and 57% of customers report that this is one feature they are definitely looking for on your website when they need help. Live chat support currently has more than a 70% positive experience rating, as compared to a 40% positive score for phone calls.


Millennials are the most social generation ever. We know that Millennials make many of their most important purchasing decisions based on their social interactions with friends and how those purchases will appear online. We also know that Millennials spend the vast majority of the time on their phones using social media sites rather than making phone calls. The good news is that most chat and social media tools are compatible with phone technology for business already, and these sites provide a handful of useful tools for customer relations.

So why is all of this so important to your business? Because more than 40% of Millennials are willing to abandon a transaction if they are unable to get quick responses to their questions. Having communication technology for business in place and ready to take on this "instant results" mindset is imperative to keeping the loyalty and trust of your customers. Millennials are happy to have plenty of options as long as those options are efficient and effective.


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